My fine art photo “Pennzoil Place #1 has been selected by Juror Rachel Cook, Curator at DiverseWorks in Houston into VAA’s 34th Juried Open Exhibition.
The Visual Arts Alliance 34th Juried Open Exhibition reception is on Wednesday, May 10, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, and awards announced at 7:00 PM. The Exhibition is on display at Spring Street Studios (2nd Floor), 1824 Spring Street. Map
“Pennzoil Place #1” will be on view until Saturday, June 3, 2016 along with 52 other selected works from over 500 works submitted.
“Pennzoil Place #1 is part of my continuing fascination of these trapezoidal glass towers. My image is printed on archival paper, signed, and finished in a 16×20 frame.
I will be discussing my work at an artist talk on May 20 between 2-4pm at the Spring Street Studios.
VAA produces professionally juried art exhibitions providing opportunities for members and non-members to have their work professionally judged and viewed by the general public. Your can find out more about the Visual Arts Alliance here.